Friday, March 21, 2008

GoChi Accepted for publication by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine ...

We are pleased to announce that our recent GoChi™ Effect study has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM)*. The study will be published in the journal’s July/August 2008 issue.

Before a clinical study is accepted for publication by a peer-reviewed medical journal such as JACM, it must first pass the scrutiny of a panel of independent experts, who review it on a blind basis (i.e., without knowing the author’s identity). These judges will not approve a study for publication unless they have ruled that its design is sound, its methods are consistent with good clinical practice, its data and calculations are accurate, and its findings are valid.

The publication of our study in this highly regarded journal sets a new standard in our industry for the scientific validation of a product. This clearly demonstrates FreeLife’s® commitment to provide you with the most effective, evidence-based, and clinically-supported product available in the juice industry, GoChi.
Entitled “A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Clinical Study of the General Effects of a Standardized Lycium barbarum (Goji) Juice, GoChi,” participants in this ground-breaking study who took GoChi reported experiencing improved health and well-being in 13 key areas, through a daily serving of just 120 ml, in as little as 14 days.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Go Chi

The goji berry has been revered throughout Asia for its unmatched ability to maintain health and balance the body's energies, especially the "vital life force" known as chi. Science has revealed that the secret to goji's powerful benefits lies in a group of unique bioactive molecules, not found in any other plant on earth, called Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBPs).

FreeLife International® is the first and only company to develop a proprietary Spectral Signature LBP Process™ to do what no other company can do: identify, isolate, and select only those berries that contain the full spectrum of LBPs to deliver a consistently high potency and perfect balance of these all-important nutrients.

People everywhere have experienced tremendous health maintenance benefits with Himalayan Goji® Juice, making it the bestselling, number one goji product in the world. And now, the best has gotten even better with GoChi™.

Developed as a direct result of FreeLife's worldwide research efforts, GoChi represents the Next Generation of Himalayan Goji Juice, delivering an unprecedented potency and balance of the unique LBPs (Lycium barbarum polysaccharides) in the goji berry.

Named for the "go" in goji and chi, the ancient Chinese term for "vital life force," GoChi contains all the goodness of Himalayan Goji Juice, and so much more!

Participants reported experiencing benefits in just 14 days
At least 30% more LBPs (the active ingredient) than Himalayan Goji Juice
Certified kosher and halal
Tastes better than ever

The next generation of Himalayan Goji Juice is here and it's only available at FreeLife! Do you GoChi?™ With 13 benefits experienced, there's no excuse not to!

A Smile In Every Bottle!™

FreeLife donates a portion of the sale of each bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice and GoChi to children in need through our charitable-giving program, GojiKids®, to help children everywhere live happy, healthy lives.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield has achieved what most of us would consider an unfathomable level of success. For starters, he is the co-creator of the New York Times #1 best-selling book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul®, which has more than 100 titles in print and over 100 million copies sold in 41 languages. He also has appeared on every major talk show in America, delivered training seminars to countless audiences around the world, and produced a highly popular syndicated newspaper column.

His latest book, co-authored with Janet Switzer, is titled, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. It outlines 64 principles the world's top achievers use to succeed in their careers, finances, relationships, businesses, and leisure pursuits. He asserts, “The fundamentals are the same for all people and all professions — even if you’re currently unemployed.”

Jack recently shared with Home Business® Magazine valuable insight on achieving success in both your life and home-based business.

Your first Success Principle is to “Take 100% responsibility for your life.” How does this principle apply to home-based entrepreneurs?
Jack Canfield (JC): I think it applies in several ways. The first is that entrepreneurs have to give up any kind of blaming, complaining, whining, or excuse-making and realize that being an entrepreneur — especially, a stay-at-home entrepreneur — puts the total responsibility for success on your shoulders, and that while blaming is an activity that feels good, it doesn’t produce any useful results.

In my book I write about the formula E+R=O, which stands for external Events, plus your Responses to them, equal the Outcomes that you get. If you don’t like the profits you make, the number of clients you have, or the number of sales you make, you have to give up blaming the economy, your competition, government regulations, or anything “out there.”

If you want a different outcome, you have to change your behavior, your communication, your work habits, your thinking, and your marketing, and so on. The problem is never out there. It is how you respond to what is going on out there.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Potent Anti-Aging Solution on Earth

The Most Potent Anti-Aging Solution on Earth
In some of the planet’s most remote regions, a life span of more than 100 years is not uncommon. Scientific studies reveal that many of the world’s oldest, healthiest people consume regular daily servings of the goji berry, a tiny red fruit that may just be the world's most powerful anti-aging food. Thanks to a painstaking extraction process pioneered and patented by FreeLife™, the only standardized form of this incredible food is now available as Himalayan Goji Juice

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007


I had suffered from severe arthritis in my knees for about 5 years. My knees would ache constantly and if I was on my feet for any amount of time they would swell up to the point that they no longer resembled knees, many times to the point where I would be immobile for several days.

A friend of my husbands introduced us to the Goji juice and although skeptical, I eventually decided to give it a try. I started on 2 oz a day and after 2 weeks the pain and swelling in my knees appeared to be cut in half. After 1 month all swelling and pain had completely disappeared. I was so happy now that I could once again do many things that I hadn't been able to do due to the pain and swelling.

I am very excited to share that in December 2006 I celebrated one year pain-free from the arthritis in my knees. I had other concerns prior to the Goji Juice such as, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and restless leg syndrome. Another concern was that my monthly cycle had been changing and I was experiencing terrible pain in my legs during that time. The pain was so severe that I required very strong pain medication in order to get some relief. With that came the start of hot flashes and mood swings.

Over the course of several months my blood pressure normalized, my cholesterol came down to safe levels, my restless leg syndrome disappeared, the pain in my legs is no longer an issue, my mood swings became less and less frequent and I no longer have problems with hot flashes. My energy levels increased greatly and I sleep a deep restful sleep. My husband says I am a completely different person now.

Thank you to everyone that played a part in bringing Goji Juice to us and to the world. We are truly blessed.

Pam D. , Ohio

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Instant Messaging

Instant messaging has been taking over the way people communicate and the way business is done. I enjoy doing business in new ways, so for any question on Goji Juice please feel free to IM me anytime at 613-572-2041.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Can't Drink Too Much

You Can’t Drink Too Much

Himalayan Goji Juice is perfect for those who want to enjoy its optimal health benefits. You too can increase well being.

You may enjoy ready to drink Himalayan Goji Juice right from the bottle or mix with your favorite hot or cold beverage. In the beginning, 2 ounces of Himalayan Goji Juice is recommended daily for overall well being. Recent studies have shown that consuming 4 ounces daily may help you achieve the greatest benefits.

Himalayan Goji Juice is a nutrient rich, 100% juice beverage which will keep your entire family energized throughout the day. Once you experience the incomparable Himalayan Goji Juice you’ll realize that no other juice comes close. Aside from a constant smile there is no risk of drinking too much Himalayan Goji Juice.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Lorne Humenny


Friday, September 28 at 7:00pm in KINGSTON ... Days Inn ...


Canada's TOP LEADER from Edmonton, AB will be sharing ...





Want your business to GROW? Make sure you bring everyone you know to this meeting! Hear about Himalayan Goji Juice and the FreeLife Opportunity from Canada's Top Leader!

You will be INSPIRED and ENCOURAGED!! Make sure you are there

Monday, August 27, 2007

Great Book

If you only read one book this year make sure that it's this one. I have just finished this book and it has changed my mind set completely.

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