Ray Faltinsky Kevin Fournier
CEO & Co Co-Founder President & Co Co-Founder
January 25, 2007
Last night, a Canadian television station ran a story on Dr. Earl Mindell, FreeLife, and
Himalayan Goji Juice. While some portions of the program demonstrated the incredible impact
FreeLife and Himalayan Goji Juice is having on people’s lives, other parts of this program were
inaccurate and misleading. This surprised us since dozens of other media reports from much
larger and more reputable media sources, such as TIME magazine, the Los Angeles Times, and
the TODAY show, have had nothing but extremely positive things to say about the impact goji is having on people’s lives. If the television producer’s goal had been to find out the real story about FreeLife, Dr. Mindell, and Himalayan Goji Juice, they would have taken us up on our offer several weeks ago to bring their film crew to our Corporate Office in Phoenix, see our facilities and people, and do an “oncamera” interview with us. Indeed, in our communications with the television station, we reminded them that their own professional standards required them to interview the company and that we were requesting such an interview to ensure the accuracy of any statements about FreeLife, its product, or Dr. Mindell. Why they declined our written invitation, we may never know. We also find it unfortunate that a television program that claims to be an advocate for consumers would so mislead the public in an attempt to discredit a product that has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world to enjoy better health. Had the television program taken us up on our offer to communicate directly with us, here is what they would have learned:
1. Dr. Mindell is a pioneer in the nutrition industry and is considered by many as the father of the nutritional revolution. As with many pioneers, he has been subjected to much scorn and ridicule throughout his professional career. For example, 30 years ago, he was mocked for suggesting that every person supplement their diet with vitamins. Today, the American Medical Association agrees with Dr. Mindell and recommends that all Americans supplement their diet with a daily multivitamin. That’s what a visionary does.
In the television story that ran last night, Dr. Mindell appears passionate. This is because he is
passionate about his mission of spreading the news of good nutrition and Himalayan Goji Juice
to the world. Like most of us, he will not sit idly by and allow people to attack his integrity,
professional accomplishments, and the people he cares for.
2. Dr. Mindell received his pharmacy degree from North Dakota State University in 1963. In his 30s while raising a family and working full-time, Dr. Mindell furthered his education and
received a Ph.D. in nutrition taking part-time classes from Pacific Western University, a
California Accredited Educational Institution and one of the only schools in the country that
offered PhDs in nutrition at that time?
3. Dr. Mindell wrote the best-selling nutritional book of all time, the Vitamin Bible. Published in
1979, this New York Times best-seller has over 10 million copies in print in over 30 different
languages and is available in 54 different countries. A review on amazon.com indicates that Dr.
Mindell is an author or co-author of over 100 books on nutrition.
4. Dr. Mindell has also been invited and interviewed on hundreds of radio and TV programs
around the world including CNN, Live with Regis, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey
Show, The David Letterman Show, Canada AM, and Vicki Gabereau in Canada promoting good
health. He has also been positively profiled in USA Today and The Wall Street Journal among
many other publications.
5. As a result of his long-time contributions and dedication, Dr. Mindell received the prestigious
President’s Award given by the National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) in 2002.
Additionally, Dr. Mindell recently learned that later this year, he will be inducted into the
California Pharmacists Hall of Fame. The state of California has more pharmacists than any state in the union, and far more than some countries.
6. During the past few years, Dr. Mindell has been a featured speaker and shared the stage with former U.S. Presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush, Former First Lady Barbara Bush,
Former U.S. Senator Bob Dole, Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, Former Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Former
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and Christopher Reeve, among many others.
7. The media attention that FreeLife, Himalayan Goji Juice, and the goji berry have received
over the past year has been incredible. This year, TIME magazine called the Himalayan Goji
Berry the “Super Fruit of the Year” and a few days after that, Himalayan Goji Juice was
positively featured on the TODAY show in the United States. This week, Woman’s World
magazine featured the goji berry with a fantastic article: “Chinese Miracle Berries for Perfect Health.” “Move Over Blueberries. The New Super Fruit? Goji berries, used by Chinese herbalists for over 6,000 years known as the ‘herb of longevity.’”
8. FreeLife’s Himalayan Goji Juice has experienced an unprecedented level of acceptance and
passion throughout the world. We have hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers who benefit from Himalayan Goji Juice and purchase it month after month after month.
9. There is an extensive history of independent research on the goji berry proving its benefits.
Consumers interested in educating themselves should log on to www.pubmed.gov and type in
“Lycium barbarum” the Latin name for the goji berry. This is a United States government
sponsored website that provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date research regarding
scientific studies. As of today, you will find 79 studies on the goji berry, including 12 new ones
published this year alone. The 79th study was just posted this week.
10. The renowned Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York has a page devoted to the goji berry
which you can view at:
11. The vast majority of studies on goji, including the 79 peer reviewed scientific studies you
will find on pubmed.gov, relate to the research on goji’s unique polysaccharides named LBP-1,
LBP-2, LBP-3 and LPB-4. These polysaccharides, not yet found in any other plant on earth, are
what make goji unique and the biggest breakthrough in nutrition that Dr. Mindell has seen in 40
years. They are, by far, the most beneficial component of the goji berry. Knowing this, Dr.
Mindell and his research team developed our trade secret, a proprietary manufacturing process
that maximizes and standardizes the polysaccharide level in every bottle of Himalayan Goji
Juice. That is why our customers get better results with Himalayan Goji Juice than with any
other goji product on the market.
Interestingly, we had learned that the Canadian television station was testing our Himalayan Goji Juice for several ingredients like protein and beta carotene. We showed them that we never claimed or advertised high protein or beta carotene content in Himalayan Goji Juice. While there are trace amounts of numerous other ingredients, we informed the television program that they were misguided and should be testing for goji’s unique polysaccharides. As with much of their story, their report on the test results of our product was 100% misleading. It would be like testing an orange for its iron content and then concluding that an orange has no nutritional value because it has little to no iron. We all know that nobody consumes oranges because of their iron content—people eat oranges because they are loaded with vitamin C.
We have developed a Spectral Signature to ensure that every bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice is
packed with goji’s unique health-promoting polysaccharides. It is your guarantee of potency,
purity, and authenticity in every bottle. If the Canadian television station had tested our product for polysaccharides, they would have identified an abundance of the most important healthpromoting ingredient in the goji berry. For customers looking for high protein or lots of beta carotene, we recommend saving some money and eating a lean piece of chicken with a carrot.
12. FreeLife does not permit therapeutic or medical claims to be made in connection with the
sale of its product, and has an aggressive compliance department to ensure that the product is
properly marketed.
13. FreeLife offers a 90-day, no-questions-asked, 100% unconditional money-back guarantee to all of its customers, even if the entire bottle has been completely finished.
14. FreeLife publishes the average income of its Marketing Executives. To review this please
click on
http://gojiexpress.com/PDF/2005_Income_Stats.pdf15. FreeLife donates a portion of the proceeds of every bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice to
GojiKids, our charitable organization that has benefited nearly 100 children’s causes worldwide,
including Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta, Children's Wish Foundation, The Children's
Cottage Society, Roger's House, The Shiloh Youth Ranch, Dans La Rue, and The Canadian
Cancer Society in Canada.
16. Just last week, Lorna Vanderhaeghe, a renowned Canadian nutrition expert, posted an
excellent interview with Dr. Mindell on the goji berry on her website at
http://healthyimmunity.com/articles.html. Ms. Vanderhaeghe also posted an article on the health benefits of the goji berry in her Newsletter Issue #16 which can be found at http://healthyimmunity.com/newsletter.html. Many Canadians may know Lorna from her years of writing for ALIVE magazine or as Editor-in-Chief for Healthy Living Guide, Canada’s number one health newsstand magazine.
17. Some of the leading medical experts in the world, including Dr. Nicholas Perricone (The
Perricone Promise) and Dr. Howard Murad are big fans of the goji berry. Dr. Murad has even
called goji “the cellulite assassin!”
18. In addition to tens of thousands of life-changing stories from our customers and numerous
celebrities, some of the leading athletes in the world consume Himalayan Goji Juice on a regular
basis for top performance. For example, three of the greatest long-distance runners on the planet, Charlie Engle, Ray Zahab, and Kevin Lin, are currently running across the Sahara and used Himalayan Goji Juice as part of their training regimen. They are running 50 miles a day for 75 straight days in the burning heat of the dessert! And helping them complete one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, feat in human athletic history is Himalayan Goji Juice. This event is being made into a major motion picture. Stay tuned!
These are just some of the facts that the news program would have learned had they taken the
time to visit with us in Phoenix. But that is now water under the bridge and we are onto bigger
and better things! This whole episode reminds me of a very powerful story I once heard. “There was once a majestic, beautiful, stately horse. And a horsefly buzzed around and bit it on the rear. And the horse swished it off with its tail. And there was still, a majestic, beautiful, stately
horse.” Horseflies come and go, but FreeLife is here to stay. The year 2007 is going to be an incredible year! On Tuesday, we had our biggest day in company history, both worldwide and in particular, Canada. Congratulations! In addition, we have learned through our sources there is going to be an avalanche of good publicity on the goji berry in the next several months. Among many others, this will include The Saturday Evening Post, Best Body, Better Nutrition, Men's Exercise, Oxygen, and Herbs for Health. With this tidal wave of great news on the goji berry coming out over the next several months, the writing is on the wall as to where we are going in 2007. This is going to be a great year for FreeLife, Himalayan Goji Juice, and all of your businesses. Let’s take this opportunity to redouble our efforts this year, to spread the good news of Himalayan Goji Juice with as many people as we possibly can. We have a “product for the ages” that is changing people’s lives unlike any other we have ever seen before.
With Love,
Ray and Kevin