Sunday, February 25, 2007

CBS Newsmagazine

Cathleen Lewis and Rex Lewis-ClackAs profiled in CBS Newsmagazine "60 Minutes" three times, Rex Lewis-Clack is a savant, one of a few people in the world who combines blindness, mental disability, and musical genius. Cathleen Lewis was a model and business woman whose life drastically changed when Rex was born. She details her experiences with Rex in an educational system which was ready to give up on him by the time he was three, thinking he might never walk or talk. She tells of fighting the odds, turning trauma into triumph, and how the piano became the key to unlock his life. Eleven-year-old Rex proves that "can't" and "insurmountable" are not in his vocabulary by bringing his vibrant personality to the stage along with his beautiful voice and piano music.

Cathleen and Rex received a standing ovation at the Royal Ambassador Leadership Summit, so Ray and Kevin have invited them back to move and inspire you

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Nature of Competition

The nature of competition is such that any number of people invariably have their eyes on the same prize you do. Recognize your assets and employ them the best of your ability

Larry Bird

Monday, February 19, 2007

Goji Delivers

Goji delivers! In fact, thousands of remarkable testimonials have been pouring in since Goji Juice first launched in October 2003.

The most nutritionally dense food on our planet

The world's most powerful anti-aging food

4 unique master molecules not found in any other food

Goji's 4 unique "master molecules" are believed to command and control the natural defense systems in our bodies while at the same time, its nutritional make-up nourishes our cells for optimum health.

It's no wonder we've been hearing such stunning stories of life changing results from our customers and members.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dr Richard & Elaine Horner

My wife Patti and I have had a great time with Dr Richard and Elaine Horner from Edmonton, Alberta.

The great thing about the Goji team is that everybody is so helpful, we feel that we have known then for ever.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Changing Lives Around the World

In October of 2003, FreeLife International released Himalayan Goji ® Juice. As people enjoyed its goodness, stories of enhanced health and well-being began flooding into FreeLife Headquarters from throughout the world. The goodness of Himalayan Goji ® Juice crossed all cultural, national, and ethnic boundaries. It was changing lives and the time was ripe for international expansion. FreeLife began an aggressive expansion in 2004, launching into Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Antigua, Hong Kong, Singapore, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Bahamas, and St. Martin.

It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that one of their most prized possessions was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Today, we are the recipients of this priceless gift. Help us bring it to a waiting world!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

90 - Day Money-Back Guarantee

FreeLife gives you a 90-day Money-Back Guarantee on Himalayan Goji Juice as well as all other FreeLife products. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

After drinking Himalayan Goji Juice for three months, 9 out of 10 people find out what the Tibetans have known for thousands of years: they do not want to live without it.

They become "heart connected" and simply can not imagine living without this "Liquid Love" called Himalayan Goji Juice!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Goji Juice - an alixir for the ages!

Jerry Shaw, Chiropractor

I graduated from Chiropractic School in 1980. Very early in my practice, I realized that without high-quality nutrition, my patients would not be able to achieve their health and wellness goals. Over the years, I worked together with wellness-oriented doctors, osteopaths, and acupuncturists. Very often, we found that nutritional deficiencies were underlying most of the conditions that we were treating. However, we found that
treating these deficiencies proved to be extremely difficult. More and more we began to use whole food concepts, and this dramatically improved our results. This was the reason I began researching the goji berry. As I studied this whole food, several things became apparent:
It has proven itself to have tremendous health benefits for thousands of years.
It was an integral ingredient in the ancient traditional systems of Aryvedic and Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Earl Mindell has thoroughly researched this remarkable berry and found that out of all the various varieties of goji berries in the world, there is only one that possesses all of the qualities that these traditional systems honored.
I was impressed with the modern research (over 50 published studies) that has now shown that the key to the effectiveness of this berry are 4 unique bioactive polysaccharides.
I further discovered that the only berry that possesses all of the bioactive polysaccharides at their most powerful levels is the one of original Himalayan descent. Since using a high-quality goji juice of this nature, I have witnessed tremendous results in almost every category of health imaginable. I have seen people whose joint mobility has dramatically improved, and whose energy level has increased. I have seen people experience noticeable improvement in mood, mental clarity and concentration abilities. People have reported to me that they are sleeping much better through the night, resisting the flu and colds, and much, much more.

In my 24 years of involvement with nutritional products, I have never seen such effective support for all-around health and well-being. Thank you, Dr. Mindell, for bringing goji juice into creation. It will have a positive impact on so many people in this world at a time when there is so much need for it. It is truly an elixir for the ages from the time-proven empirical evidence of ancient civilizations, to the latest research afforded by modern science.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The 34 Reasons To Go For Goji !


Extend your life
Increase your energy and strength
Look and feel younger
Lower your blood pressure
Prevent cancer
Maintain healthy cholesterol levels
Balance blood sugar and manage diabetes
Enhance libido and sexual function
Lose weight
Relieve headaches and dizziness
Get better sleep
Improve your vision
Strengthen your heart
Inhibit lipid peroxidation
Resist disease
Improve immune response
Manage and fight cancer
Protect your precious DNA
Inhibit tumor growth
Reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation
Build strong blood
Improve your lymphocyte count
Fight inflammation and arthritis
Support your liver
Treat menopausal symptoms
Prevent morning sickness
Improve fertility
Strengthen your muscles and bones
Support kidney health
Improve your memory
Help chronic dry cough
Alleviate anxiety and stress
Brighten your spirit
Improve digestion

Click Here to Purchase Goji Juice

Saturday, February 3, 2007

100 % Goodness In Every Bottle, Every Time

*100% Goodness In Every Bottle, Every Time - Guaranteed

*Proprietary, 100% natural juice product

*Never any added sugar, artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors

*Proprietary extraction technology to protect gojis delicate, yet powerful nutrients

*Exclusive recipe and chill-blending technology

*Standardized to deliver a consistently high level of perfectly balanced and fully active polysaccharides

*Made with berries that exhibit the ideal Himalayan Spectral Signature

Friday, February 2, 2007


Anxiety Attacks no more! Before I began on Goji juice I had an awful time sleeping at night. For at least the past 4-5 years before Goji I would sit straight up in bed disoriented, thinking I was going to die that minute, and had to either get out of bed or wait until the panic attack ended. To say the least for those who know what I am talking about - it was a horrible experience. This was going on for 4-5 years. I was afraid of going to sleep at night and would intentionally stay up late just to be completely exhausted enough to go into a deep sleep. Then I was useless in the morning because I had stayed up too late.After two months on Goji Juice my wife had noticed the difference in my sleeping habits. I was not only sleeping all through the night without panic attacks, but I had stopped snoring also. I had a more blissful sleep, and thus more energy for the next day! What an awesome product!
Phil F., Illinois

I had been biting my nails my whole life. I am not sure why I no longer bite them, except that I think my anxiety issues have improved so much since drinking Goji juice that because of less anxiety I am handling stress much better and now I love showing off my nails.
Wendy W, Centerville, MA

In the past eight months I survived 5 major life-changing crisis events with great joy and peace due to the Goji juice. The stress I experienced from any one of the five could have resulted in great depression and withdrawal from society, but instead, I have emerged as a winner in life. The world needs Goji juice.
Marilyn, Washington

After two weeks of using Goji juice, I was sold! My job can be very stressful and tiring - I would go home so tired at times that I did not want to do anything. Now I have more energy at work, am able to face stress, and come home to enjoy the evening!
Rita, Georgia

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Changing Lives Around the World

In October of 2003, FreeLife International released Himalayan Goji ® Juice. As people enjoyed its goodness, stories of enhanced health and well-being began flooding into FreeLife Headquarters from throughout the world. The goodness of Himalayan Goji ® Juice crossed all cultural, national, and ethnic boundaries. It was changing lives and the time was ripe for international expansion. FreeLife began an aggressive expansion in 2004, launching into Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Antigua, Hong Kong, Singapore, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Bahamas, and St. Martin.
It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that one of their most prized possessions was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Today, we are the recipients of this priceless gift. Help us bring it to a waiting world!