Monday, May 28, 2007

It's Back

After my son said dad you look like a 70's cop, that was it I was dating myself.
The hair is back on the face and will stay.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Help Me Decide

Here is a picture of me, I got alittle happy with the razer, and off goes some hair. Have not been this clean shaven in 15 years, please let me know which way i should go.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Doctors Speack Out

They've been through medical school or earned advanced degrees, established successful practices and delved deeply into the health benefits of good nutrition. But these professionals have something else in common. Based on the results they have seen in people's lives, they've all integrated Freelife's Himalayan Goji Juice into their practices, as well as into their lives.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ray Faltinsky

Ray Faltinsky Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder

In the early 1980s Ray's Mom, Martha, was healed of a crippling case of osteoporosis through the use of nutritional supplements. This was after two medical doctors told her nothing could be done to help her. This miracle opened Ray's eyes to the incredible world of natural healing and it became his mission to spread the "good news" about nutrition throughout the world.
From 1989 to 1992 Ray attended Yale Law School. It was there that he began his groundbreaking research on word-of-mouth distribution. His intensive research over a two-year period resulted in a 50-page thesis on direct selling, its viability as an effective means of distribution and its legal ramifications.

Combining his passion for nutrition with his breakthrough research on direct selling, Ray set out to form the ideal home-based business opportunity distributing life-changing wellness products. Four years of planning were dedicated to creating and launching FreeLife International.
Ray received his Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut and his Jurist Doctorate from Yale Law School. He is a member of the Connecticut Bar Association. Ray lives with, his wife, Tricia, and their four children.
"The greatest feeling in the world is the satisfaction of serving others. FreeLife allows you to serve others on a daily basis, from both a health and a financial prospective."

Interesting Facts about Ray:
Ray was born December 4, 1964.
At Pearl River High School, Ray was an All-State violinist and All-County Basketball Player.
Ray's supplement regimen consists of more than 70 pills a day!
In 1995 Ray was featured on the cover of Success Magazine, making FreeLife the youngest company every featured on their cover in more than 100 years.
Ray is a member of the Board of Directors of the Direct Selling Association.
Ray is a voracious reader, usually polishing off two to three non-fiction books per week.
Ray is a die-hard New York Mets and Knicks fan.

"Purchase Goji Juice"

Ray Faltinsky and Mark Shaw

What a great night we had in Ottawa Ontario Canada with Ray Faltinsky CEO & Co-Founder of Freelife. Ray is one of the most down to earth, genuine and caring person that I have had the pleasure of meeting.

It was so enjoyable to sit in a meeting and not have someone pushing their products and sales quotas down your throat. We enjoyed listening to how much the product meant to Ray, plus how much it meant to him to being able to share it with the world.

One of the most touching moments for me, was when Ray handed a check to a representative from the Boys and Girls Club. It was not one of those over sized cheques that you would look very strange trying to cash in the bank, but it was a normal size cheque, without any big fan fare, and no announcement of the amount. Just presented with Avery heart felt handshake and smile.

Thank you Ray for reminding us why God has put us on this earth!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Provided By God

"All that mankind needs for good health and healing is provided by God in nature ... the challenge to science is to find it." - Paracelsus (the father of modern pharmacology) "

"Purchase Goji"

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Be Thankful

A simple way to help you move into this state of joy and positive vibes is to start thinking about what you have to be thankful for.

And believe me, you have a LOT to be thankful for.

You may look at your 2-bedroom apartment, cheap car and 15" inch TV and compare yourself to wealthy people living today and feel that you have barely made it.
But think about this - you are richer than the richest people in the world living just 200 years ago. They did not have a "horseless carriage" that could carry them wherever they wanted to go. They could not use a phone to instantly communicate with anyone - anywhere in the world. They did not have a "magic story-telling box", what we would call a TV - to entertain them. 200 years ago, the amount of information that the average wealthy person could consume in a lifetime, would be no match for the amount you can consume in ONE DAY through the Internet.
You may have an average income - but you would not want to trade places with a "rich" man living just 200 years ago. You have much to be grateful for!

"Come On The Winning Team"

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

New Look

Have a look at the new bottle