Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Jack Canfield
His latest book, co-authored with Janet Switzer, is titled, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. It outlines 64 principles the world's top achievers use to succeed in their careers, finances, relationships, businesses, and leisure pursuits. He asserts, “The fundamentals are the same for all people and all professions — even if you’re currently unemployed.”
Jack recently shared with Home Business® Magazine valuable insight on achieving success in both your life and home-based business.
Your first Success Principle is to “Take 100% responsibility for your life.” How does this principle apply to home-based entrepreneurs?
Jack Canfield (JC): I think it applies in several ways. The first is that entrepreneurs have to give up any kind of blaming, complaining, whining, or excuse-making and realize that being an entrepreneur — especially, a stay-at-home entrepreneur — puts the total responsibility for success on your shoulders, and that while blaming is an activity that feels good, it doesn’t produce any useful results.
In my book I write about the formula E+R=O, which stands for external Events, plus your Responses to them, equal the Outcomes that you get. If you don’t like the profits you make, the number of clients you have, or the number of sales you make, you have to give up blaming the economy, your competition, government regulations, or anything “out there.”
If you want a different outcome, you have to change your behavior, your communication, your work habits, your thinking, and your marketing, and so on. The problem is never out there. It is how you respond to what is going on out there.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Potent Anti-Aging Solution on Earth
In some of the planet’s most remote regions, a life span of more than 100 years is not uncommon. Scientific studies reveal that many of the world’s oldest, healthiest people consume regular daily servings of the goji berry, a tiny red fruit that may just be the world's most powerful anti-aging food. Thanks to a painstaking extraction process pioneered and patented by FreeLife™, the only standardized form of this incredible food is now available as Himalayan Goji Juice
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
A friend of my husbands introduced us to the Goji juice and although skeptical, I eventually decided to give it a try. I started on 2 oz a day and after 2 weeks the pain and swelling in my knees appeared to be cut in half. After 1 month all swelling and pain had completely disappeared. I was so happy now that I could once again do many things that I hadn't been able to do due to the pain and swelling.
I am very excited to share that in December 2006 I celebrated one year pain-free from the arthritis in my knees. I had other concerns prior to the Goji Juice such as, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and restless leg syndrome. Another concern was that my monthly cycle had been changing and I was experiencing terrible pain in my legs during that time. The pain was so severe that I required very strong pain medication in order to get some relief. With that came the start of hot flashes and mood swings.
Over the course of several months my blood pressure normalized, my cholesterol came down to safe levels, my restless leg syndrome disappeared, the pain in my legs is no longer an issue, my mood swings became less and less frequent and I no longer have problems with hot flashes. My energy levels increased greatly and I sleep a deep restful sleep. My husband says I am a completely different person now.
Thank you to everyone that played a part in bringing Goji Juice to us and to the world. We are truly blessed.
Pam D. , Ohio
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Instant Messaging
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Can't Drink Too Much
Himalayan Goji Juice is perfect for those who want to enjoy its optimal health benefits. You too can increase well being.
You may enjoy ready to drink Himalayan Goji Juice right from the bottle or mix with your favorite hot or cold beverage. In the beginning, 2 ounces of Himalayan Goji Juice is recommended daily for overall well being. Recent studies have shown that consuming 4 ounces daily may help you achieve the greatest benefits.
Himalayan Goji Juice is a nutrient rich, 100% juice beverage which will keep your entire family energized throughout the day. Once you experience the incomparable Himalayan Goji Juice you’ll realize that no other juice comes close. Aside from a constant smile there is no risk of drinking too much Himalayan Goji Juice.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Lorne Humenny
Friday, September 28 at 7:00pm in KINGSTON ... Days Inn ...
Canada's TOP LEADER from Edmonton, AB will be sharing ...
Want your business to GROW? Make sure you bring everyone you know to this meeting! Hear about Himalayan Goji Juice and the FreeLife Opportunity from Canada's Top Leader!
You will be INSPIRED and ENCOURAGED!! Make sure you are there
Monday, August 27, 2007
Great Book
onmouseover="window.status='Click Here Now'; return true"
onmouseout="window.status=''" target="_blank"
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Dr. Earl Mindell
Dr. Earl Mindell is world renowned as the Father of the Nutritional Revolution. A master herbalist and registered pharmacist, Dr. Mindell holds a Ph.D. in Nutrition. He has authored 50 books, including the Vitamin Bible with more than 10 million copies sold worldwide.
As a pharmacist and nutritionist dedicated to helping others optimize their health and well-being, it is a dream come true to bring the miraculous goji to the world. I believe that Himalayan Goji Juice will have more powerful benefits on health, well-being, anti-aging than any other product I have seen in the last 40 years."- Dr. Earl Mindell
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Goji Questions
Is your Goji Juice only made with goji berries from the Himalayas?
Although they grow in the wild, goji berries are not cultivated in the Himalayas in sufficient quantity for large-scale distribution. The berries used in Goji Juice are selected from the world's best-known growing regions. These include Inner Mongolia, as well as Ningxia and Xinjiang in the pristine Heavenly Mountains of western China. We use only those berries that conform to the precise Spectral Signature fingerprint and balanced polysaccharide profile of the original Lycium barbarum (goji) of the Himalayas.
Will there be difficulty sourcing goji berries?
We have several sources of supply for goji berries and we have no concerns about difficulty in sourcing them.
Are the 4 polysaccharides unique to your Goji Juice?
The 4 polysaccharides are unique to goji, but can vary in quality depending on the ancestry of the plant and the growing conditions for a particular region in a particular year. Our company is the only company that has developed a Spectral Signature to ensure that you always receive the same high potency polysaccharides in exact balance when you drink the Goji Juice.
How much Goji Juice should someone drink on a daily basis?
The recommended daily dose is 1-3 ounces daily. There are no known side effects from drinking more than that (other than smiling too much!).
Is it okay for children to drink Goji Juice?
Yes, Goji Juice is great for the entire family.
How long does it take before an improvement is seen with Goji Juice?
Everyone will receive benefits within different time periods depending upon their body's nutritional needs, however, most people will begin to see noticeable results within the first month.
How is the quality of your Goji Juice ensured?
A Seven-Step Quality Manufacturing Program is utilized to ensure that you receive the same consistent, standardized quality in every liter of Goji Juice. Our Spectral Signature is your assurance of potency, purity, and authenticity in every bottle.
How do I measure an ounce of Goji Juice?
An ounce of Goji Juice is about one capful, or 2 tablespoons.
How is Himalayan Goji Juice different from other "juices"?
There is never any added sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors or flavors in Himalayan Goji Juice, and goji is the only plant that has the 4 unique polysaccharides - the Master Molecules that are so important to your body's defense systems. One liter of Himalayan Goji Juice contains the polysaccharides equivalent of over 2 lbs of fresh goji berries.
How many pounds of goji berries are in a bottle of your Goji Juice, and why are fresh berries better than dried berries?
One liter of our Goji Juice contains the polysaccharides equivalent of 2.2 pounds of fresh goji berries. As an alternative, we suppose that one could simply eat dried goji berries. However, our research indicates that the quality of commercially-available dehydrated berries can vary tremendously, and there's also a high probability that the polysaccharides in dried berries may have oxidized and degraded. Ingesting dried goji berries are not recommended until it can be scientifically proven that they can deliver a consistent health benefit.
Is your Goji Juice organic?
Although produced to high standards of ecological and environmental responsibility, our Goji Juice is not organic. We are working toward a cooperative program of organic certification for our network of growers, but the process is slow. Until then, our Goji Juice is certified to be free of pesticide residues. Also, our Goji Juice contains no added sugar, artificial colors, sweeteners, or flavors.
Why not emphasize the vitamins and 18 amino acids that are in goji?
Our Goji Juice is a high-tech functional food, specifically designed to preserve the content and balance of the goji berry's delicate and highly protective polysaccharides. It is standardized to a consistently high level of polysaccharides, in perfect balance. Dozens of published scientific studies have confirmed that these polysaccharides are the most important bioactive components, and are responsible for much of the benefit of the goji berry. That is why we have chosen to focus on this aspect of the goji, rather than emphasize the other nutritional aspects of this remarkable plant.
Are there preservatives in your Goji Juice?
Yes. Freshness preservation is required to keep this chill-blended product from spoiling. We use less than one-tenth of 1% of naturally-derived sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate in Himalayan Goji Juice. Potassium Sorbate is the potassium salt of sorbic acid. Sorbic acid is a natural constituent of many fruits and vegetables. Sodium benzoate is the sodium salt of benzoic acid. Benzoic acid is a natural component of berries. Both ingredients are safe; they are even on the FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) list. The only way to avoid preservatives would be to hot-fill the product in glass bottles. Hot filling would destroy our delicate active ingredients-the bioactive polysaccharides.
Why are other fruit juices added to your Goji Juice?
Our proprietary recipe incorporates a small amount of other fruit juices to ensure uniformity, and to help bring out the best flavor from the goji berry.
How soon should your Goji Juice be consumed after it is opened?
It is recommended that you consume the Goji Juice within 30 days after opening and refrigerating the bottle.
After the Goji Juice is opened, how long can it stay out of refrigeration and still remain effective?
For best-keeping qualities, keep the Goji Juice refrigerated after opening. It should not be left out for any more than a couple of hours, the same steps you would take for any food or beverage that must be refrigerated after opened.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Women & Goji
Sunday, July 22, 2007
First Hand
I have been taking Goji sense March 2007 and have felt great. I always have had bursitis in my right hip and some pain in my lower back but sense taking Goji I don't have any pain in my hip or back.
This weekend my wife and I decided to take the kids to Toronto and have a weekend relaxing and swimming in nice pool and a day at the Toronto zoo. But with trying to get away I forgot my bottle of Goji and man Sunday morning I missed it. I got up Sunday morning and my back was hurting then we went to the mall my hip was killing me.
We got home around 5:00 pm I walked in the door and had a great big drink, then went out to throwing the baseball around and I'm feeling much better. Next time I will not forget the Goji at home.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
How Goji Juice Can Help
How can Goji Juice Help?
Boost Energy Level
Better Mood and Self-Esteem
Helps Cure Cravings for Sweets
Helps to Induce Better more Restful Sleep
Helps with Dry Skin
Helps with Sleeplessness due to Menopause
For Athletes helps with Performance, Endurance and Recovery.
Goji Hotline
Friday, July 6, 2007
Rick Handel
July 9, 2007 - Toronto July 23, 2007 - Vancouver
July 10, 2007 - Montréal July 24, 2007 - Edmonton
July 11, 2007 - Ottawa July 25, 2007 - Calgary
July 12, 2007 - Fredericton July 26, 2007 - Saskatoon
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Live Goji Call Ron Matarulli
The topics covered are specific to Canada Market, however it was an extremely informative call and I believe a must listen.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Got Goji
Monday, July 2, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Free Life Facts
We have addressed our concerns in three letters. To view them, click here: Letter 1, Letter 2, Letter 3.
To see why health practitioners around the world recommend Himalayan Goji Juice, click here.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Goji Juice
Goji juice was recently featured in New Woman magazine as "The latest super fruit to take Hollywood by storm is the Himalayan Goji Berry. A-listers like Madonna, Mischa Barton and Liz Hurley can't get enough of the powerful, anti-oxidant-packed fruit," and "Mischa's immaculate complexion is a result of a daily dose of goji juice."
New Woman magazine stated that these actresses can't get enough of the powerful anti-oxidant packed fruit. They claimed that a daily shot of Goji juice protects cells against aging, improves concentration, and even reduces cellulite.
Recently, goji juice was seen on the Gene Simmons Family Jewels reality show, where Shannon Tweed recommended it to Gene.
We do know that Goji juice is the Chinese name for a number of different species. Usually refers to varieties of Lycium which is an evergreen shrub that is often spiny and grows intemperate and subtropical regions. In our preparation for this website, the Goji juice that we tried dramatically increased the quality of our sleep -- we will report more on this on a different page of this site.
The prized secret of the Himalayan's was the fruit of the native Goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys for years. Until recently most people have never heard of Goji -- while it is very popular in traditional Asian medicine the secrets of its nutritional benefits have remained a mystery to most countries.
Demanding proprietary extraction processes are essential to creating a standardized form of this plant. The Goji Berry's for unique polysaccharides work in the body as directors and carriers of the instructions that sells used to communicate with each other. These polysaccharides command and control many of the bodies most important defense systems.
Scientific studies reveal that many of the world's oldest, healthiest people consume daily servings of the Goji Berry.
It is also interesting that Goji is included on the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Web Site. You can see the full report by going to this link.Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Jack Canfield
I encourage you to buy this book and start to change your life and the way that you think today, just click on Jack's book and it will take you to his store. You will be surprised even by the price.
Goji Athletics
Goji Athletics |
These athletes believe in and use Himalayan Goji Juice to assist them in competing at maximum levels. |
Logan Tom | ||
Two-Time Olympian and Professional Volleyball Player "I drink Himalayan Goji® Juice before all my workouts and matches. I believe that this product, combined with my training regimen, gives me the competitive edge I need on tour." |
Brad Keenan | ||
Professional Volleyball Player "Since I began using Himalayan Goji® Juice, I have noticed a significant increase in my level of play. I have placed in 5th and 3rd in recent tournaments." |
Frank Velasquez | ||
Major League Strength and Conditioning Coach "I’ve introduced it to my immediate family, distant relatives, and some of the ball players have also inquired about it. I tell them what it does and on their own they have decided to purchase the product and drink it because they feel better." |
Barbara Watson | ||
Triathlete and Ironman World Champs Qualifier "I am a 39-year-old triathlete and International Flight Attendant from Auckland, New Zealand. With my little ‘powerberry’ by my side, I feel confident that I will reach many more milestones in my sporting career." |
Monday, May 28, 2007
It's Back
The hair is back on the face and will stay.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Help Me Decide
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Doctors Speack Out
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Ray Faltinsky
In the early 1980s Ray's Mom, Martha, was healed of a crippling case of osteoporosis through the use of nutritional supplements. This was after two medical doctors told her nothing could be done to help her. This miracle opened Ray's eyes to the incredible world of natural healing and it became his mission to spread the "good news" about nutrition throughout the world.
From 1989 to 1992 Ray attended Yale Law School. It was there that he began his groundbreaking research on word-of-mouth distribution. His intensive research over a two-year period resulted in a 50-page thesis on direct selling, its viability as an effective means of distribution and its legal ramifications.
Combining his passion for nutrition with his breakthrough research on direct selling, Ray set out to form the ideal home-based business opportunity distributing life-changing wellness products. Four years of planning were dedicated to creating and launching FreeLife International.
Ray received his Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut and his Jurist Doctorate from Yale Law School. He is a member of the Connecticut Bar Association. Ray lives with, his wife, Tricia, and their four children.
"The greatest feeling in the world is the satisfaction of serving others. FreeLife allows you to serve others on a daily basis, from both a health and a financial prospective."
Interesting Facts about Ray:
Ray was born December 4, 1964.
At Pearl River High School, Ray was an All-State violinist and All-County Basketball Player.
Ray's supplement regimen consists of more than 70 pills a day!
In 1995 Ray was featured on the cover of Success Magazine, making FreeLife the youngest company every featured on their cover in more than 100 years.
Ray is a member of the Board of Directors of the Direct Selling Association.
Ray is a voracious reader, usually polishing off two to three non-fiction books per week.
Ray is a die-hard New York Mets and Knicks fan.
"Purchase Goji Juice"
Ray Faltinsky and Mark Shaw

It was so enjoyable to sit in a meeting and not have someone pushing their products and sales quotas down your throat. We enjoyed listening to how much the product meant to Ray, plus how much it meant to him to being able to share it with the world.
One of the most touching moments for me, was when Ray handed a check to a representative from the Boys and Girls Club. It was not one of those over sized cheques that you would look very strange trying to cash in the bank, but it was a normal size cheque, without any big fan fare, and no announcement of the amount. Just presented with Avery heart felt handshake and smile.
Thank you Ray for reminding us why God has put us on this earth!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Provided By God
"Purchase Goji"
Friday, May 11, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Be Thankful
And believe me, you have a LOT to be thankful for.
You may look at your 2-bedroom apartment, cheap car and 15" inch TV and compare yourself to wealthy people living today and feel that you have barely made it.
But think about this - you are richer than the richest people in the world living just 200 years ago. They did not have a "horseless carriage" that could carry them wherever they wanted to go. They could not use a phone to instantly communicate with anyone - anywhere in the world. They did not have a "magic story-telling box", what we would call a TV - to entertain them. 200 years ago, the amount of information that the average wealthy person could consume in a lifetime, would be no match for the amount you can consume in ONE DAY through the Internet.
You may have an average income - but you would not want to trade places with a "rich" man living just 200 years ago. You have much to be grateful for!
"Come On The Winning Team"
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Gene Simmons "Family Jewels"

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Market Place Television
I have received several calls asking me, "What do you think?" My answer is simple: The Canadian television station got it wrong—again. In response to the original story, I sent out two detailed letters, January 25, 2007 and February 1, 2007, addressing many of the inaccurate and misleading statements in the show. The rebroadcast just repeated the same misstatements. I find it interesting that they would run this show again given that almost all the media attention we have received since they initially aired it, has been overwhelmingly positive. In fact, last week, Himalayan Goji Juice was featured prominently on a popular Canadian morning TV show, Breakfast TV, broadcast out of Winnipeg.
The thing that continues to surprise and disappoint us the most about their show is that the producers aired the program without ever speaking to anyone at FreeLife. Prior to them airing the initial broadcast, we invited them to bring their film crew to our corporate office in Phoenix, see our facilities and employees, and do an "on-camera" interview with us. Had they accepted our offer, we would have been able to correct many of their inaccurate and misleading statements. Our belief is that they ignored our requests to interview us in Phoenix because they knew if they were armed with the truth, they would have no story to run. It was purely a ratings game. It is ironic that a television program which holds itself out as an advocate for consumers actually made little effort to ensure the truth and accuracy of its program.
What is even more ironic is that last week, I reached out to the television host and asked to speak with her. My intention was not to be confrontational, but rather to help her understand and correct the inaccurate and misleading statements in her show. She refused to speak with me… just flat out refused with no explanation. I was not entirely surprised because this has been her approach from the beginning. She refuses to speak with any corporate employee of FreeLife. How any credible reporter can do a story on a company without speaking to anyone from the company headquarters stretches the imagination and is clearly a breach of journalistic responsibility and ethics. Instead, several days later, the show was rebroadcast.
A brief Google search on Wendy Mesley reveals that many others are equally frustrated with what they perceive as misleading, inaccurate, and biased stories.
For example, Margaret Wente, the widely respected columnist for Canada's largest national daily newspaper, The Globe and Mail has written about Ms. Mesley's misleading and inaccurate stories. Ms. Wente is highly regarded in Canada and is the only journalist to have received the National Newspaper Award for column-writing twice. Here's a quote from an article she wrote about Ms. Mesley just last year:
"But her (Mesley's) journalism, in this case, is another matter. Chasing the Cancer Answer is stunningly simplistic. It peddles the biggest of the conspiracy-theory myths about cancer and its causes. It's full of misleading information and fear-mongering. It ignores a vast body of serious science. And it does a profound disservice to the public, many of whom rely on the public broadcaster for responsible and balanced journalism." ( /?q=node/view/1879)/)
I want to emphasize a portion of Margret Wente's quote, as I believe it gets to the essence of Ms. Mesley's reporting style and is exactly what she did with her story on Himalayan Goji Juice:
"It's full of misleading information and fear-mongering. It ignores a vast body of serious science. And it does a profound disservice to the public, many of whom rely on the public broadcaster for responsible and balanced journalism."
Others have accused Ms. Mesley of violating numerous journalistic standards in her reporting including fairness, accuracy, and integrity. And even question whether "a serious intervention (is) in order for Mesley's anxious and angry addiction ..." q=node/view/1795.
In a letter from Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada, Mesley was again accused of giving misinformation: "... Canadians were left misinformed by only a partial telling of the story."http://www.smoke-f
Yet others have called Mesley's reporting style "rage-based television trash!"
While we don't enjoy spreading such information about anyone, we do believe you should know the facts about Ms. Mesley and that we are not the only ones who have experienced Ms. Mesley's unfair, inaccurate, and misleading reporting. The only rational conclusion one can come to is that her programs can't be taken seriously, nor can they be believed.
Although you can review my detailed responses to their program from January 25, 2007 and February 1, 2007, I did want to address two of their more inaccurate statements. First, the show goes to great length to discredit Dr. Mindell's educational background. This is just another example where Ms. Mesley did not do her homework, or more likely, decided to look the other way. Dr. Mindell received his pharmacy degree from North Dakota State University in 1963. She never once mentioned this in the program. In his 30s, while raising a family and working full-time, Dr. Mindell furthered his education and received a Ph.D. in nutrition, taking part-time classes from Pacific Western University. At that time, this was one of the only schools in the country that offered Ph.D's in nutrition. The Canadian show implies that Dr. Mindell's Ph.D. degree is not valid. I have a letter, dated March 29, 2007, from the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocation Schools confirming that his degree is legal and valid. The letter states in part:
"Pacific Western University which opened in 1977 was granted authorization to operate as a California degree-granting institution by the State Department of Education. Among its programs was the PhD in Nutrition. The degree awarded to Dr. Mindell is legal and valid under the laws of the State of California.
Pacific Western University currently operates as an approved institution in California."
In March 2007, Dr. Mindell was inducted into the California Pharmacy Hall of Fame. This prestigious honour is particularly impressive given that more pharmacists live in California than in any other state in the nation.
Second, Ms. Mesley, attempted to discredit the nutritional value of our Himalayan Goji Juice. She is a journalist, not a trained health practitioner. However, dozens and dozens of trained health practitioners from around the world, including medical doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors and naturopaths are so impressed with Himalayan Goji Juice that they have made it the cornerstone of their nutritional program and recommend it to their patients, family members and friends. Some of these health practitioners are so passionate about Himalayan Goji Juice and impressed with their patients' results that they have become Marketing Executives and even closed their traditional practices to spread the good news of Himalayan Goji Juice around the world. It is our opinion that educated health practitioners are more qualified to judge the effectiveness of a nutritional product than a journalist with no training in the healing arts.
When we learned that they might be testing our product for several ingredients before the original show was aired in January, we informed them that although the goji berry and our Himalayan Goji Juice have a variety of naturally occurring nutrients, the research indicated that goji's unique polysaccharide molecules were the primary key for its amazing health maintenance properties. The polysaccharides are the reason people are getting phenomenal results with Himalayan Goji Juice and why we are the leader with over 90 percent of the goji juice market. They are also the reason we have had 14 consecutive quarters of record growth!
We explained in a letter to Ms. Mesley that as a result of our Spectral Signature analysis, we were able to standardize, maximize, and balance the polysaccharides in every serving of Himalayan Goji Juice. We even offered to show them how to test for the polysaccharides. They never responded and failed to even mention the word polysaccharide in the show, let alone test for them. As with most of the story, their report on the test results was 100 percent misleading.
We welcome media scrutiny into any aspect of our business but believe it should always be fair and balanced. We don't claim to be perfect or to know everything. The nutrition field is evolving, and we're working to remain at the forefront with research and other efforts. We also believe our perspective should be heard. And if CBC and others aren't willing to share it, we must take extra steps to tell our story. You will be pleased to know we are creating a new website that will highlight the true facts about FreeLife and Himalayan Goji Juice. This website will be up shortly, and we're confident it will be a valuable resource for you and others to use to access the latest facts on our company, our products, and our business opportunity.
In addition to creating the new website, we have also developed two newspapers which also clearly set forth the facts about FreeLife and Himalayan Goji Juice. These newspapers will be ready for sale in Canada on Thursday, April 26. The first newspaper is a four-page paper entitled Natural Health Today and exclusively addresses the benefits and science behind Himalayan Goji Juice. The second newspaper is a twelve-page paper entitled The Wellness Report and addresses the opportunities offered by both FreeLife and Himalayan Goji Juice.
Those are just a few things we're doing to tell our story and manage our good reputation. In coming weeks, we will tell you more about our plans to protect and grow this business.
As you know, Kevin and I will be visiting Canada during the week of May 14 on our Co-Founders' Canadian Tour.
We are really looking forward to seeing all of you. Please come out, bring your organizations, and help us spread the good news about Himalayan Goji Juice throughout Canada.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Canadian Morning TV Show
Goji® Juice was recently featured prominently on a popular Canadian morning TV show, Breakfast TV, broadcast out of Winnipeg. Medical journalist Lorna Vanderhaeghe spoke extensively about the wonderful health benefits of goji juice, while displaying our new Himalayan Goji Juice bottle. The new bottle is currently available in the United States and coming soon to international markets.Another positive message about Himalayan Goji Juice! We will continue to keep you posted on all the amazingly positive media attention we are experiencing around the world!
Purchase Goji Juice
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Compare Goji with other products on the market
Compare Goji with other products on the market.
Noni --------17,000
Sea Silver---24,000
Limu Plus---54,000
What is the Bovis Energy Scale?
Thanks to a French researcher in the 1930's by the name of Antoinne Bovis, we have a means to measure the "life force" or "natural earth energy" present in water, plants, rock formations and the like. For example, human beings show a reading on the Bovis scale of 6,500. Scientific research has correlated the clockwise or right spin of atoms and molecules with a Bovis reading below 6,500 is neutral for human life (i.e. life-depleting), and anything registering above 6,500 is essentially energy invigorating or enhancing to us.
Environmental readings below 6,500 are the effect of underground streams, geological faults, and Earth's magnetic grids. Several of Earth's energy vortices exceed 2,000,000 Bovis.
Himalayan Goji Juice shows a reading of 355,000...the highest reading that many health professionals have ever reported receiving. A truly amazing product!
In a world where science is recognizing "energy medicine" more and more, and its crucial role in releasing healing properties, these stats are a powerful confirmation of Himalayan Goji Juice.
The astounding benefits of goji have been reported over time in many prestigious journals and magazines:
Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
China Pharmacology and Toxicology
Chinese Herb News magazine
Research Communications Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology
Chinese Patent Herbs
Chinese Herbs
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
Chinese Oncology Magazine
Hygiene Research
Physiology Academic Journal
Chinese Stomatology
And many more
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Carl Lewis Takes Goji
Friday, April 13, 2007
Doctor Speaks Out

Oaklawn, Illinois. That was a very special time for me because the focus of my work was to establish the link between nutritional deficiencies and biochemical imbalances, and the learning and behavior problems of ADD and ADHD children. It offered me a powerful opportunity to understand the impact of our cultural habits on the body's biochemistry, an understanding that has served me well in my approach to many health problems including the growing concern for obesity in our nation.
In 2003, research was completed on the goji berry revealing its amazing nutritional density and four unique polysaccharides. When that information came across my desk, I was excited. Goji's benefits are backed up with an incredible amount of international research. The possibilities for wellness are staggering.
Sadly, people all over the world are attempting to live on a food supply that seriously is depleted in nutrients. Health cannot be established or maintained without a proactive effort to add the nutrition that is lacking in our diet. Goji is a major asset in this battle against nutritional deficiencies. Also, its ability to store the sun's life-giving energy, measured as the Schomberg Effect, will help to restore our youthful vitality and resilience. That's why I call goji "Nature's most powerful battery". In the 25 years I've worked in the wellness industry, I've never seen greater benefits than I have with goji juice.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Goji Copy Cats
We all knew it was only a matter of time before other companies would come out with their version of "goji juice". Copy Cats, so to speak! And sure enough, there are several "knock off" juices on the market today! All claiming to be the best!
But, we're here to tell you, Dr. Mindell's Himalayan Goji Juice is the best! But don't take our word for it; learn the facts for yourself!
Dr. Mindell did the research, Dr. Mindell found the exact variety of berry used by the ancient healers, Dr. Mindell perfected the extraction process, Dr. Mindell found the Spectral Signature with which to evaluate berries at the molecular level, and Dr. Mindell and FreeLife International introduced Himalayan Goji Juice to the world in October 2003!
Find out the facts for yourself as to why Himalayan Goji Juice is so special; why it is the premier juice. It is the top of the line, using only the very best berries that meet the Spectral Signature standard.
Why spend money on inferior juices and not get the results you're looking for? Your health and the health of the people you love and care about depends on finding the best quality juice available. And FreeLife has it.
"Purchase Goji Juice"
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Stick to It!
Stick to your task 'til it sticks to you; Beginners are many, but enders are few.Honor, power, place and praiseWill come, in time, to the person who stays.
Stick to your task 'til it sticks to you;Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it, too.For out of the bend and the sweat and the smileWill come life's victories, after awhile.
(Unknown author)
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Real Healing Claims
Goji juice contains 19 essential amino acids, eight of those are essential to living, besides that there are 21 trace minerals, and a very powerful anti cancer mineral that is very rarely found in any type of food. Not to mention it contains a broad array of antioxidants that our bodies need to grow, prevent disease, and remain healthy.High quantities of Vitamin E, C and B complex, also beta sitosterol a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent that helps ease symptoms of Fibromyalgia, and lupus. Cypersone an essential fatty acid helps regulate blood pressure, and prevent heart disease. It eases menstrual cramps, and menopause discomfort. It contains betaine that enhances memory, promotes muscle growth, and calms anxiety.Thus, Himalayan goji juice has all the right ingredients of a true medicinal substance. A huge number of prescription drugs are plant-based such as belladonna, penicillin and nightshade. When a new “herbal” makes its debut, people lose sight of the fact that all medicine started with plants, roots and herbs eons ago. Every prescription drug’s pedigree stems from naturally-occurring substances; medicine was created by nature, not in a laboratory. The ancient healers knew this, but modern civilizations tend to refuse anything that doesn’t come in a pill, an injection or a capsule.What does the future hold for Goji juice? Without a question there will be more studying, and clinical trials done.
IT will surely be a few years before any claims of it's healing properties are proven. Could it be a fad, or even a hoax, or possibly the start of a huge health breakthrough. Realistically right now the only way to know for yourself is to give it a try. It's not a toxic substance, and hasn't been recorded to have any adverse effects.
Friday, March 30, 2007
"Today is Your Lucky Day"

"Today Is Your Lucky Day" CD by CEO Raymond Faltinsky
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Lorne Humenny & Tanis MacDonald
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Ron Montaruli
Ron Montaruli
Canada's Executive Vice President of FreeLife International
Friday, March 23, 2007
Want to be Rich?
Golden rule!
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
People who live and work by that philosophy known that it's powerful, and given the opportunity, they will train others to follow the same philosophy.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Being Honest in Business
Many of the people who start small businesses fall into the getting ready to start trap. Perhaps you have fallen into this trap. You rearrange your desk, you clean up your files, you reposition the phone, you rearrange the furniture on your desk. You sharpen all your pencils, three times. And then you go through this routine with modifications again, and sometimes again. And if someone asks what you're doing, you say I'm getting ready to get started or words to that effect.
Many (maybe most) people go through this stage when they start a business and it's a challenge that you must resist from if you're still getting ready to get started the second week into your business. You're probably never going to get started.Even the experienced business owners occasionally fall into the getting ready to get started trap. They get bored, or they lose their confidence and suddenly they're no longer productive, no matter how long they've been in business and regardless of the achievements you may have enjoyed in the past, you always have to look out for this trap. It can sneak up on you and ruin a day or perhaps a week. And if you don't catch it in time, it can destroy your business.Here is a test to help you determine whether you're working on your business or in your business. Stop whatever you're doing and ask yourself these questions.
- Is what I'm doing now directly related to achieving one of my goals?
- Will what I'm doing now help me build my business?
- Will what I'm doing now result in a sale?
- Will what I'm doing now improve one of my skills?
- Could someone else do what I'm doing better or just as well?
- Am I reinventing the wheel?
- Could I wait and do this during non business hours?
Be honest, when you answer these questions you could be trying to justify rearranging your office by claiming that doing so will improve your productivity. But can you justify rearranging your office during normal business hours? Not if you answer honestly.
If you are thinking of getting into busniness for yourself "Check this Out"
MTV Cribs "Goji Juice"
Laird, who was featured in the August 7, 2006 edition of Sports Illustrated, pointed out, "This is our Himalayan Goji Juice"! So, that makes the Today show, TIME magazine, and now MTV all saying great things about the Himalayan Goji berry! With this kind of great media coverage, there has never been a better time to spread the word, fuel the excitement, and start your own Freelife Himalayan Goji Juice Business.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The Lastest super fruit
New Woman magazine stated that these actresses can't get enough of the powerful anti-oxidant packed fruit. They claimed that a daily shot of Goji juice protects cells against aging, improves concentration, and even reduces cellulite.
When we researched Goji juice online, we found hundreds of stories of people claiming that Goji juice gets rid of migraine headaches, arthritis, insomnia, diabetes, asthma, and more. Some even claim that Goji juice helps you lose weight, lower cholesterol, gives you more energy, helps lupus, mental illness, and more.
Some even claim that Goji juice helps fight cancer, improves function of the immune system, and decreases side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
But could this be possible from a simple juice? We will try to dig up some proof on this website.
We do know that Goji juice is the Chinese name for a number of different species. Usually refers to varieties of Lycium which is an evergreen shrub that is often spiny and grows intemperate and subtropical regions. Traditionally, a in various cultures, Goji has been used to treat inflammations, nosebleeds, skin irritations, aches and pains, and has also been used as a sedative. In a test tube, a polysaccharide which is a complex sugar isolated from the Goji Berry has been shown to have anticancer effects. Goji seems to be able to increase the therapeutic effects of radiation, at least in mice.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Are you Interested In Health and / or Wealth?
You are invited to hear about the most revolutionary health food in over 40 years, the world's most powerful anti-aging food ... Himalayan Goji Juice and the business opportunity with FreeLife.
Join us in Kingston or Ottawa on March 26 and 27
Lorne Humenny .... Has reached the top position of Royal Ambassador 2 and currently holds the top position in Canada for FreeLife. He has a background as a public health inspector for the Sask govt and left 10 years ago to pursue his entrepreneur desires.
Tanis MacDonald ....Has reached the top position of Royal Ambassador. She has a background as a CMA and was a Finance Manager for the Federal Gov’t for 20 years. She made a decision to change her career and was introduced to the Direct Sales industry.
Come and hear Lorne and Tanis share about Himalayan Goji Juice, as well as share how they have been able to help thousands of people improve their health and wellness and many hundreds to improve their financial well being. They will also be sharing how we can become successful. You don't want to miss this incredible event!!
Monday, March 26 @ 7 - 9 PM
Rideau Acres Resort
1014 Cunningham
off Hwy 15 2 km North of 401 on the Left
Tuesday, March 27 @ 7 - 9 PM
Travelodge Ottawa Hotel & Conference Center1376 Carling Ave Ottawa ,ON Canada K1Z
Both events are offered FREE. I will be looking froward to seeing you, so make sure that you come by and say hi !!!!!
For more information contact Mark Shaw @ 613-572-2041 or
Saturday, March 10, 2007
It can cripple people into not going outside or opening their mail, I know I have dealt with it myself.
This is something that helps me "FEAR" is simply an acronym for
False Evidence Appearing Real
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Books that I Recommend
1) Network Marketing for Dummies by Zig Ziglar
2) The Wellness Revolution by Paul Zane Pilzer
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Ramond Faltinsky & Kevin Fournier
CEO & Co-Founder
Ray discovered the power of nutritional supplements when his mother was cured of a crippling case of osteoporosis through a special blend of vitamins and minerals. It became his mission to help spread the power of nutrition throughout the world.
Ray received his Bachelor of Science degree from Trinity College and his Jurist Doctorate from Yale Law School. It was at Yale that he began researching the Direct Sales industry. His intensive research over a two-year period resulted in a 50-page thesis on direct selling, its viability as an effective means of distribution, and its legal ramifications.
Combining his passion for nutrition with his newfound interest in Direct Sales, Ray set out to form the ideal home-based business opportunity distributing life-changing wellness products. Years of planning were dedicated to creating and launching FreeLife International.
Ray currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Direct Selling Association (DSA).
"The greatest feeling in the world is the satisfaction of serving others. FreeLife allows you to serve others on a daily basis, from both a health and a financial prospective."
President & Co-Founder
Kevin received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics, with a minor in Business Administration, from Central Connecticut State University. He is a Co-Founder of FreeLIfe International. Since FreeLife's inception, Kevin has served in many different capacities, ranging from C.O.O. to being the Corporate Sales Leader.
In 2004, Kevin became the President of FreeLife and has been very instrumental in guiding FreeLife to record growth during that time. He possesses a very unique skill set in that he has the organizational development and analytical skills required for his operational roles but also has excellent communication skills for his role as Co-Founder and the Corporate Sales Leader. As Kevin states, "My mission in life is to help people reach their potential. We all have greatness inside of us but require the correct environment, support, and vehicle to realize our potential. FreeLife provides everyone, regardless of their background or skills, the opportunity to maximize who we are as human beings." He, his wife Ellen, and their three children live Connecticut.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Questioning Goji Juice
My family and I are on Holidays in FL and I was out of Goji Juice two days before we were leaving, so I ordered a case and had it shipped to my parents home in FL, well it's Monday night and the Goji is arriving tomorrow. I have noticed that the aches and pains are returning, plus my energy level is not where it has been.
I will be looking for the UPS delivery person tomorrow!!!!
From the Sunny Warm South
Mark & Patti Shaw
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Friday, March 2, 2007
Earn Significant Income

Get Paid! The FreeLife program is so simple, so powerful, where anytime you recommend our products to someone, and he/she becomes a Marketing Executive or Customer, you get paid! Not only do you get paid for their initial purchase, but you get paid each and every time they order. If they remain FreeLife Marketing Executives or Customers for life, you enjoy residual income generated by every purchase they make. What's even more amazing is you also get paid for every ME or Customer they get, and for MEs or Customers they get, down through ten levels of MEs or Customers. This gives you unlimited income potential, which is generated on the oldest and most time proven technique in the world: Word-of-mouth endorsement! It's simple, it's powerful, and it works!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
CBS Newsmagazine

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Nature of Competition
Larry Bird
Monday, February 19, 2007
Goji Delivers
The most nutritionally dense food on our planet
The world's most powerful anti-aging food
4 unique master molecules not found in any other food
Goji's 4 unique "master molecules" are believed to command and control the natural defense systems in our bodies while at the same time, its nutritional make-up nourishes our cells for optimum health.
It's no wonder we've been hearing such stunning stories of life changing results from our customers and members.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Dr Richard & Elaine Horner
Friday, February 16, 2007
Changing Lives Around the World
It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that one of their most prized possessions was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Today, we are the recipients of this priceless gift. Help us bring it to a waiting world!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
90 - Day Money-Back Guarantee

FreeLife gives you a 90-day Money-Back Guarantee on Himalayan Goji Juice as well as all other FreeLife products. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
After drinking Himalayan Goji Juice for three months, 9 out of 10 people find out what the Tibetans have known for thousands of years: they do not want to live without it.
They become "heart connected" and simply can not imagine living without this "Liquid Love" called Himalayan Goji Juice!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Goji Juice - an alixir for the ages!
I graduated from Chiropractic School in 1980. Very early in my practice, I realized that without high-quality nutrition, my patients would not be able to achieve their health and wellness goals. Over the years, I worked together with wellness-oriented doctors, osteopaths, and acupuncturists. Very often, we found that nutritional deficiencies were underlying most of the conditions that we were treating. However, we found that
treating these deficiencies proved to be extremely difficult. More and more we began to use whole food concepts, and this dramatically improved our results. This was the reason I began researching the goji berry. As I studied this whole food, several things became apparent:
It has proven itself to have tremendous health benefits for thousands of years.
It was an integral ingredient in the ancient traditional systems of Aryvedic and Chinese Medicine.
Dr. Earl Mindell has thoroughly researched this remarkable berry and found that out of all the various varieties of goji berries in the world, there is only one that possesses all of the qualities that these traditional systems honored.
I was impressed with the modern research (over 50 published studies) that has now shown that the key to the effectiveness of this berry are 4 unique bioactive polysaccharides.
I further discovered that the only berry that possesses all of the bioactive polysaccharides at their most powerful levels is the one of original Himalayan descent. Since using a high-quality goji juice of this nature, I have witnessed tremendous results in almost every category of health imaginable. I have seen people whose joint mobility has dramatically improved, and whose energy level has increased. I have seen people experience noticeable improvement in mood, mental clarity and concentration abilities. People have reported to me that they are sleeping much better through the night, resisting the flu and colds, and much, much more.
In my 24 years of involvement with nutritional products, I have never seen such effective support for all-around health and well-being. Thank you, Dr. Mindell, for bringing goji juice into creation. It will have a positive impact on so many people in this world at a time when there is so much need for it. It is truly an elixir for the ages from the time-proven empirical evidence of ancient civilizations, to the latest research afforded by modern science.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
The 34 Reasons To Go For Goji !
Extend your life
Increase your energy and strength
Look and feel younger
Lower your blood pressure
Prevent cancer
Maintain healthy cholesterol levels
Balance blood sugar and manage diabetes
Enhance libido and sexual function
Lose weight
Relieve headaches and dizziness
Get better sleep
Improve your vision
Strengthen your heart
Inhibit lipid peroxidation
Resist disease
Improve immune response
Manage and fight cancer
Protect your precious DNA
Inhibit tumor growth
Reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation
Build strong blood
Improve your lymphocyte count
Fight inflammation and arthritis
Support your liver
Treat menopausal symptoms
Prevent morning sickness
Improve fertility
Strengthen your muscles and bones
Support kidney health
Improve your memory
Help chronic dry cough
Alleviate anxiety and stress
Brighten your spirit
Improve digestion
Click Here to Purchase Goji Juice
Saturday, February 3, 2007
100 % Goodness In Every Bottle, Every Time

*Proprietary, 100% natural juice product
*Never any added sugar, artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors
*Proprietary extraction technology to protect gojis delicate, yet powerful nutrients
*Exclusive recipe and chill-blending technology
*Standardized to deliver a consistently high level of perfectly balanced and fully active polysaccharides
Friday, February 2, 2007
Phil F., Illinois
I had been biting my nails my whole life. I am not sure why I no longer bite them, except that I think my anxiety issues have improved so much since drinking Goji juice that because of less anxiety I am handling stress much better and now I love showing off my nails.
Wendy W, Centerville, MA
In the past eight months I survived 5 major life-changing crisis events with great joy and peace due to the Goji juice. The stress I experienced from any one of the five could have resulted in great depression and withdrawal from society, but instead, I have emerged as a winner in life. The world needs Goji juice.
Marilyn, Washington
After two weeks of using Goji juice, I was sold! My job can be very stressful and tiring - I would go home so tired at times that I did not want to do anything. Now I have more energy at work, am able to face stress, and come home to enjoy the evening!
Rita, Georgia
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Changing Lives Around the World

It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that one of their most prized possessions was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Today, we are the recipients of this priceless gift. Help us bring it to a waiting world!